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How to Stay in the Honeymoon Phase Forever

If you learn how to stay in the honeymoon phase, you’ll never get bored of each other.


You and your girlfriend have agreed to live together over the long term.

You can do so much more now that you’re closer to each other, including preparing breakfast, buying groceries, and cuddling in bed. You are practically living in domestic bliss now that you’re closer to each other.

Have you ever considered that what you’re experiencing right now could last even longer? Although it may be hard to believe (even after nearly a decade in each others’ company) it is still possible to be in the honeymoon phase.

You’d assume it would be impossible. Well that’s not exactly true. This can be achieved with the right moves.

We’ve narrowed down the right options for you from the numerous ideas that are available to keep the relationship afloat.

These suggestions will help you extend your honeymoon period.

1. Don't be afraid to try new things.

You can enjoy so much more in life. Getting involved in the action is very unlikely if you aren’t at least interested.

Let’s say a new gimmick is catching her attention in town. They’ve exploded on social media, and based on the feedback, these ads seem to be staying true to her standards.

You might wonder what it is exactly? A theme park.

You’ve seen nearly every theme park in the country. Once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. It’s nothing new to you. But for her, it’s a brand new adventure.

It would be a complete waste if you turned down her offer.

Get out there and make new memories! Don’t just sit around there looking at blog articles. Enjoy it all!

If you don’t keep hungry for anything new in general, life would bore the heck out of you. So, when you still have the opportunity, take advantage of the activities you can do with your girlfriend.

2. Rediscovering each other’s interests

Do you think you know your partner well? Think again.

Seasons change, and people change as well. The stuff we used to love can no longer be the same. At some point in our lives, we grow out of our hobbies.

People don’t often notice these changes for themselves, but their partners do. Keep each other interested, then your relationship will continue to grow.

Can you recall how you felt on your first date? You were excited to learn more about the things you have in common and to spend more quality time with her.

Right there has been the key to your success.

It’s easy to assume you know your partner by heart after spending so much of your life with her. Are you sure about that?

Yoga, sculpting, and gaming are only a few of the things she may be involved in right now. You’ll never know what these are unless you pay close attention to her.

Can you recall the night you took her out to dinner and she returned home upset? You guessed it: she had a new haircut, and you were completely unaware of it.

It’s all about the quality time in a relationship. As long as you stay interested in each other, keeping an eye on each other is as easy as pie.It’s all about relearning each other’s love language.

You can begin by asking her how her day went or what she’s up to right now. There’s no need to rush; you can take your time rediscovering what she likes right now.

3. Every achievement is worth celebrating

Every accomplishment, no matter how insignificant, should be recognized. When we are remembered for our achievements, it makes us feel valued.

The same thing applies to relationships.

When your partner cheers you on from the sidelines, you feel empowered. This is the guiding force that inspires you to keep going.

When you achieve your objective, the first thing you’ll do is tell your partner. You can’t help but be grateful for her presence.

After all, she deserves some of the credit; without her, you wouldn’t have made it this far.

There’s no limit to what joyous event you should celebrate, from your third year anniversary to having your first vehicle. It doesn’t have to be a huge accomplishment to warrant a celebration.

You can make every moment special. The place or the date doesn’t matter.

But you don’t necessarily have to wait for an occasion to give your partner gifts. You can shower her with all the jewelry and food that she likes.

Don’t be shy to tell her what you recently accomplished. Because even the smallest victories make the biggest difference.

4. Be Grateful for What You Have

Bad events or encounters are remembered rather than positive ones. This is due to the fact that they leave a lasting impression.

You don’t want the same thing to happen in your relationship if at all possible. Arguments may also become exaggerated, leaving a mark on your partner.

Remember the time you got into a fight over dinner? She spent the time learning how to make this dish that her friends raved about, and she was eager to hear your thoughts.

What exactly did you do? You gave it to your next-door neighbors.

Of course, you were unaware of it. You met your college buddy by chance and went out to eat Italian.

And though she understood your apologies, that doesn’t make it any less painful.

It doesn’t take much to appreciate her presence in your life. Appreciate it if she goes above and beyond for you. Even a plain “thank you” would suffice.

She’s a blessing that came to you wrapped in gold ribbons and you couldn’t be happier she did.

Rekindling the Flames of Love

Nothing says persistence more than someone in pursuit of love.

Love is not about that fancy car or the way someone looks.

A superficial love like this can only last a year or two at most. It’s why certain relationships fail: they fall in love with someone for the wrong reasons.

The secret to a long term relationship is a couple’s ability to love each other beyond their shallow qualities. Love that lasts a lifetime is more than just material possessions or intangible properties. Exactly like yours.

And heaven knows you have more love for each other than you can ever realize.